Curriculum information for Parents
Spring term topic: Space and local environment/ Dinosaurs and Animals
We hope that you find the following information helpful. Our aim is to work in closer partnership with parents so that every child in our school realises his/her full potential. Parents may wish to visit the library with their child or access the internet to research topics, which are taught in the classroom, and so support learning. Please also visit our website for regular updates about news and events taking place:
Maths: counting, writing and recognising numbers to 20 and above. They also be learning about everyday positional language. They will learn to name and describe 3.D shapes and order items by length, weight and capacity. Children will also be introduced to adding and taking away.
English: Begin using the sounds they have learnt in their writing. Begin to learn the important red words given to the children weekly. Read books with rhyme and continue a rhyming string. Be able to talk confidently to adults and peers about what they doing and learning about.
Understanding of the World: Begin to understand the features of space and Earth. Have an understanding of how we live on Earth and identify features of out local area. Identify different animals and how they grow and live in different environment and learn about some pre historic animals.
PSED: Begin to understand different emotions and the effect they have on behaviours during different times.
Creative: Begin to explore how sounds can be changed and play a variety of musical instruments. Explore and identify how different medias can be used to create one picture
Physical Development. Begin to use equipment in P.E safely.
Recpection have PE on Thursdays.
Please ensure that they bring the correct change of clothes for these days.
We would like all of our children to wear school uniform.
Local Trips will be organised as the term goes on. Parents will be asked to come and support us.
Reception Parents Information Booklet