“You are my safe space”…….. Girl, 7 years old
“I am going to make a comic book about coming to the The Space and I’m going to call it. ‘The day I talked for the first time”……… Boy, aged 8
“You are my knight dressed as a human”……..Boy, aged 9
The Schools Counselling Partnership (SCP) offers a whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing. We offer a safe space for children, young people, parents and teachers to get the support that they need.
Why might someone need support?
No-one has been untouched by the covid crisis, many suffering from bereavement, family breakdown, job loss leading to financial difficulties and anxiety all of which can impact on our ability to concentrate, make decisions, sleep and may see us withdrawing from others.
How can Schools Counselling Partnership help?
We offer a safe, non-judgemental space where children, parents and staff can get the support they need, be heard and learn strategies to help them cope better.
Our offer
One to one therapy for Children
We can offer one to one therapeutic support for children which includes a combination of talking, art and play therapy to help them express themselves.
When children are distressed this can really impact on their ability to learn and to form strong friendships. Therapy will help them to find ways in which they can regulate themselves, problem solve and form better relationships.
Parental consent must be given before we can undertake any therapy with children.
Talk Time
This is a lunch-time drop in which children can self-refer to. This offers them an opportunity to talk about any worries or concerns that they may have. If you don’t want your child to attend please inform the school.
Parents Drop In
This is a space in which parents can get support. Perhaps you are concerned about your child, maybe you have noticed a change in their behaviour and you just want to talk to someone and get some ideas to know how to support your children.
Maybe you are going through a divorce or there is an impending bereavement and you aren’t sure how to talk to your child about this, we can help.
Maybe you are struggling due to a family breakdown, anxiety, bereavement and just need support. We can help
Staff Drop In
Teaching staff have just been through the most challenging year and may be struggling too. We can offer you support. We are here for you to offload or to receive on-going therapeutic support.
Need help? Contact: Therapeutic Lead in School
Tel: 07718-597795
Our school Therapeutic Lead is in school every Tuesday and Wednesday when you can arrange to meet her in school or on the phone.
“He loves coming to school on therapy days. It has been so important for him and has really helped him talk to me at home about his feelings too.”
“It has given her a chance to talk about and process some really difficult and traumatic experiences and I know that she has somewhere to talk about some of the things that she can’t or won’t talk to me about”.
“Thank you so much to you and your therapist. You have been a real lifeline for us as a family”.
“We’re enormously grateful for the support you’ve given our daughter. The impact you’ve had has been huge”.